Process simplified to build a custom website

Why spend time learning DIY platforms?

Build for you faster and cheaper!

  • Initial proto-type phase
    • Select from a template, or clients find an existing website design 
    • AsOneChurch will duplicate a similar website in hours
    • Complete prototype build in hours
  • Design phase
    • up to 2 design iterations. Unlimited update requests per design iteration.
  • Maintenance phase
    • The self-update instructions provided
    • Go live
    • It's still fully customizable. See the "Master Update" tab.
  • High performance : 3 sec. load time
  • Single-hosted on Akamai/Linode's Nanode 1G
  • Easy to upgrade accordingly.
Type of request Cost
Two free existing content updates per year 0
Add change/design blocks $50
Add a new one-design-block page $80
Custom requests Ask
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